What will you need to do?
This article will allow you to specify which domains you would like like to route through Black Pearl Mail in M365.
If you have any issues or questions during this process, please contact support@blackpearlmail.com.
There are 2 steps required:
1) Open/go to the M365 Exchange admin center - https://outlook.office365.com/ecp/
2) Select Mail flow from the left-hand side menu.
In this section, we will be editing the existing Black Pearl Mail rule to add an additional domain to route through Black Pearl Mail.
1) Click on Rules.
2) Highlight the Black Pearl Mail rule.
3) Click on the edit icon.
4) Under Apply this rule if... you should see The senders domain is... Click on the domain to the right of this box.
5) In the box, enter the new domain you would like to route through and click on the + symbol to the right of the box. Then click OK.
6) You should now see the additional domain added to the list. Click on Save.
After editing the rule, we strongly advise that you send a couple of test emails from all your active domains to ensure that mail is flowing correctly. If there are any issues, please contact support@blackpearlmail.com.