STEP 1 – Login and go to Gmail Settings
1) Go to your Gmail Administrator settings:
2) Click on the Apps icon:
3) Click on G Suite:
4) Click on Gmail:
STEP 2 – Edit the Existing Content Compliance Entry
1) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Compliance.
Note – if you cannot see the Compliance on the current page, you may need to click on Advanced Settings and scroll down to the Compliance section.
2) Scroll down to the Content Compliance section, and you should see a Black Pearl Compliance entry.
3) Hover your mouse over this entry and click Edit.
4) Scroll down to step 2 and click ADD.
5) Ensure the below parameters are configured on the new expression:
Select Advanced content match
Location should be set to Full headers
Match type set to Not matches regex
Enter (\W|^)(From:)*(<calendar-notification@google\.com>)(\W|$) to Content
6) Scroll a little bit further down the page and you will see another Save button. Click this.
7) Click Save again.
8) Click on Save at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
Once you have completed all the above steps, we strongly advise you to send a test email to a personal account and ensure your mail is flowing and branding is applied. Incorrect changes to the Content Compliance entry could cause mail flow to break.