4. Under Apply the Rule if...
- In the first box, click on the dropdown and select The sender... and in the second box, select is external/internal.
5. In the next window, ensure that Inside the organization is selected and click Save.
This option may be selected by default. If so, just click Save.
6. Under Do the following...
- In first box, select Redirect the message to... then in the second box, select the following connector.
7. Ensure that Black Pearl Mail Outbound is selected and click OK.
This option may be selected by default. If so, just click OK
8. Under Except if...
- In the first drop-down, select The message properties... then in the second drop-down, select include the message type.
9. In the next drop-down, select Calendaring.
10. Click on the + symbol next to the exception you have just created to add an additional exception.
11. In the first drop-down for the next exception, select The message header… and then in the second drop-down, select matches these text patterns.
12. Click on Enter text...
13. Enter the following: X-BP
- Click Save.
14. Click on Enter words...
15. Enter the following: ^*$
- Click Add.
- Place a tick next to the word that was just added.
- Click Save.
16. Click on the + next to the original exception you created to add another exception.
17. In the first drop-down box for the new exception, select The Sender... and in the second drop-down, select Domain is.
18. Enter the following: onmicrosoft.com
- Click Add.
- Enter the following:
microsoft.com - Click Add.
- Click Save.
19. Click Next.
20. Scroll down the page and tick the box that says Stop processing more rules.
21. Click on the drop-down under Match sender address in message and select Envelope. Click Next.
22. By default, the rule will be disabled. To enable, click on the Black Pearl Mail rule you just created.
23. Click on the toggle under Enable or disable rule to set it to Enabled. Please was around 30 seconds for the status to change to Enabled. Please do not leave this screen until the status has changed.
24. Once the status has updated to Enabled, click on Edit rule settings.
25. Ensure that the priority is set to 0 and click Save.
26. Click Done.
That completes the settings needed in O365. You are now configured to route with Black Pearl Mail. Please note these settings can take up to an hour to complete.